No more soap sales + being copied

I have discontinued soap sales, at least temporarily. I have had a lot of fun over 18 years making soap and meeting so many other interesting people. Thank you everyone .
Maybe I will get back to it again later, but meanwhile I will be making only for personal use and gifting..

Jun 13, 2008

Long ago and far away I did some travel

recently i have had the slides i took of some of this time, transferred to CD

the pics are essentially not good quality......what can i exepct after 40 years of neglecting them.??

these few are worth showing simply because they show the world as it was then.........a very different place. many of which places are no longer easily travelled like they were then.
i spent 4 years out of the country at the time

the photos are obviously not in sequence ........but then neither is my brain today.:-)
i am glad i finally did something about getting these images off the old and poor quality slides

a local bus..........Iran i think ??

the garden my friends parents house in Devon

the excavations at Rhodes..... i think

THE bus i took from London to New Delhi. After which i took a plane to Thailand and then a train thro Malaysia to Singapore. A plane from Singapore to Sydney
me and about 30 others lived on nothing a day and slept on that bus most nights.!!
pity the pic has deteriorated so badly

a Lake in Nova Scotia i went a few times to fish and only caught eels

dancers at the Acropolis
someone, again braver than me, with their legs hanging over an edge in the Kyber Pass

a hotel we stayed in in Austria

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