No more soap sales + being copied

I have discontinued soap sales, at least temporarily. I have had a lot of fun over 18 years making soap and meeting so many other interesting people. Thank you everyone .
Maybe I will get back to it again later, but meanwhile I will be making only for personal use and gifting..

Oct 5, 2014

crimson rosella

they are busy eating the seeds from some left over grass weeds in the back of the yard
and playing on a dead pulled out citrus tree 

one is feeding the other...... but i dont know the relationship between them

Jul 8, 2014

A park in Hornsby that I take dog to occasionally

the grounds are that of the home of one or our great explorers........

Sir Edgeworth  David 

after whom a street has been named. 
I think, perhaps, that  many do not appreciate where that street name comes from.

the photos are not wonderful but it is simply a glimpse or a cool
shady park in a highly populated area that offers escape 

random spider catching lunch

could not leave dog out of a blog was a cold and windy morning!!!

Jul 7, 2014

what i saw for Mothers Day back in May

all these rhinos were spread thro the shopping section of
Star City Casino.
Hate the casino looks and food options....but so glad the
rhino were there to make us all happy. They had all been
painted by various people and organizations and were for
auction shortly after I saw them....the money to go to a fund to 

save white rhinos