No more soap sales + being copied

I have discontinued soap sales, at least temporarily. I have had a lot of fun over 18 years making soap and meeting so many other interesting people. Thank you everyone .
Maybe I will get back to it again later, but meanwhile I will be making only for personal use and gifting..

Oct 11, 2009

poor dog has a ring worm right on her nose

it isnt bothering her which is good .
poor dog with another lot of medicine and some cream

you can see it on the left hand side of her face in this pic

a gift that came from the wilds of Inner Mongolia.
they are quite perfect for me and are the exact right size


eeniemoni said...

Oh no, poor dog. :( But I'm glad, she's not bothered by it. Love the picture of her, Diane.
And what a beautiful necklace. Just lovely!

diane holdsworth said...

thanks Moni. i do love my turquoises. and dog !!!