No more soap sales + being copied

I have discontinued soap sales, at least temporarily. I have had a lot of fun over 18 years making soap and meeting so many other interesting people. Thank you everyone .
Maybe I will get back to it again later, but meanwhile I will be making only for personal use and gifting..

Jan 27, 2010

dog and blue tongue lizard and redback spider

dog was outside (for a change) making a fuss around the side so i figured i knew what the bark meant.!!!
another blue tongue lizard..... which appeared to be  under an old cover in the yard
i got her out of the area but she came back...interested, concerned and a cross between frightened and curious

i carefully took the cover off the ground.... and this is what we had.........what looks like a very  pregnant blue tongue lizard

we left her alone as she was getting very upset and running at son and being somewhat unfriendly.
a short time later son moved some bricks stashed against the fence and there she was.

however the eggs belong as far as i can figure to a red back spider which my son had seen just before.

i had a think about it and decided that given the amount of bricks, the number of eggs inside some other bricks , that i was going to kill them.
i couldnt spray because of the lizard being hurt and the babies being injured when born.
so i did my usual spider thing and got son to stomp on the eggs we could find and i tipped boiling water all around.
however ..........most of the eggs had gone.
the question remains red backs pick up their eggs and move them....or did the blue tongue eat them???

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