No more soap sales + being copied

I have discontinued soap sales, at least temporarily. I have had a lot of fun over 18 years making soap and meeting so many other interesting people. Thank you everyone .
Maybe I will get back to it again later, but meanwhile I will be making only for personal use and gifting..

Sep 23, 2009

yesterday i went here for the first time in a loooong time.

RPAHospital  as seen on the TV show !!

A four year part of my history was spent there doing my hospital based nursing training.
it is so enormously changed with some of the fascinating old buildings long gone.
the main two named for Prince Albert and one for Queen Victoria remain but not in the format i knew.
both pavillions were being renovated but i grabbed a few pics anyway.

the first pic  shown here is the "A block" with Albert watching over all that occurs in the very busy streets around

the main entry remains as it was but with the addition of some seating and a less austere atmosphere. the stained glass windows
interesting now as they ever were.
i couldnt photograph it as it was covered in scaffolding

Victoria has her own window  ...pictured here

this is Victoria's side of the building with her on top in all her green verdis glory . dont know what the rooms are now, but this part of the building was referred to as the "Vic block" and was full of patients, while  the block at the right hand end was the pathology labs

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